What’s Love?

2 min readJan 4, 2021

Another day. Another night. Tell me about the story of how the sun loves the moon so much he sets every night just to let her beauty light up the world.

Love is about sharing with you fearlessly what I value and hold closest to, knowing that even by giving that up, my life will still be okay. Love is in a world of endless possibilities, we go against the odds and be the one in a million. Love is seeing beyond the surface level aesthetics and recognizing a deeper beauty within. Love is an endless fascination that you can’t find in someone else. Love is about sharing and caring. Love is kind. Love is empathy. Love is in the little moments like forehead kisses and tight embraces that allow me to find a home in you. Love is being each other’s Northern Star when we lose our way. Love is trusting that we are always there for each other without saying a word. Love is about sharing a unique faith and merging our separate journeys. Love is staying curious and surprised by each other daily. Love is choosing each other because the absence of you makes my life incomplete. Love is about growing together, but never apart. Love is a lifetime of yes’s because watching you laugh and seeing you smile at the end of the day is more than enough for me to feel content, grateful and immensely lucky.

Love is a visceral feeling, but also a conscious choice. Love is simple yet complex. Love is deep understanding yet endless discovery. Love is about hopes and dreams, but also fears.

You asked me what love and romance meant to me. I didn’t have an answer for you then, and I don’t even know if my words can ever do love justice. Yet what is romance? Well, romance is not for me to chase, because romance is fleeting, impermanent and artificial. Stripped away the superficial, romance dies a quick death. Yet love — the real kind of love — remains even when one is out of sight. Love transcends space and time.

But really, I don’t try to find a meaning or a definition to love anymore. I can tell you what love represents, and how it makes me feel, but I can never truly give it a complete and timeless meaning. Because how do you define something that is permanent yet ever-evolving; so personal yet universal; so simple yet so abstract?

Love is everything; but love is also nothing when we stop believing in it.

I don’t want love if it is one-sided; I only want love when it is shared mutually. In the end, I don’t need an intoxicated wildfire that burns through my sanity.

I just need an endless flame that never dies.

What does love mean to you?




Believer of cliches & modern day fairytales | Always fascinated & caffeinated | Obsessively grateful.